International packaging designs — RETHINK from canada

June 5, 2011 - 1 minute read

“Chris Tarry is both an accomplished author and a highly distinguished jazz musician. The challenge was to package his latest CD, Rest of the Story, in a way that highlighted both of these talents and reflected the creativity of his work.

We answered the brief by turning the CD package into a book of Tarry’s short stories.

The illustrations first set the stage and draw the reader to the stories, while the album’s musical landscape completes the picture— thus becoming the Rest of the Story. As an extra twist, the CD lies at the bottom of a large die-cut hole in the book, mirroring the fall of the character from the cover illustration.

The thoughtfulness of Tarry’s work finds its echo in every aspect of the packaging, from the detailed drawings to the foil lettering and silver ribbon marker. “

                                                                  ______  RETHINK, CANADA

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