Guest Post: Eco-Friendly Packaging Design Concepts

May 25, 2011 - 3 minutes read

Consumers are becoming more and more environment-conscious and have started to demand eco-friendly products from manufacturers. As a response, there has been a tremendous effort from companies to project themselves as eco-friendly by coming up with products and packaging that are not harmful to the environment.

Food and drink packaging, for one, can be both costly and a harm to the environment. When packaging such as plastic, styrofoam cups and plates are thrown away, they end up in a landfill where they stay for hundreds of years before they completely decompose.

Who says that eco-friendly packaging designs are boring? Here’s a list of some creative packaging that are not only extremely eye catching but also good for our environment.

Lacoste Eco

The concept was to explore two very different materials and the technology used in the production process of these special edition eco shirts from Lacoste. The most eco-friendly way to package the eco polo was not to print on the packaging at all but use embossing instead. The techno polo is vacuum-packaged in screen-printed foil.

Light Bulb Package Redesign

This environmentally friendly package is redesigned for General Electric high-end light bulbs. It is highly encouraged nowadays in the design world to design with sustainability in mind.


An eco friendly package proposal for Coca-cola; a convex logo substitute’s the classic colourfully sprayed can. The naked look can help to reduce air and water pollution that occurred in its colouring process. It also reduces energy and effort to separate toxic colour paint from aluminium in the recycling process. A huge amount of energy and paint required to manufacture coloured cans will be saved.

Yellow+Blue = Green, as in organic wines in recyclable Tetra Paks

Spear Design Group developed the new packaging that tells the Yellow+Blue story for the company’s four eco-friendly, organic wines: Malbec, Torrontes, Sauvignon Blanc and Rosé.

An eco-friendly Packaging Design Concept for Tide (Detergent)

Environmentally friendly laundry soap that uses only what is necessary to get your clothes fresh and clean while keeping the ecological impact low.

Meaty Packaging

The packaging is completely biodegradable. Since the paper was treated with water proof starch, it is completely non-absorbent to prevent any unsightly damp spots and discolouration.

Puma Clever Little Bag

By providing structure to a cardboard sheet, the bag uses 65% less cardboard than the standard shoe box, has no laminated printing, no tissue paper, takes up less space and weighs less in shipping, and replaces the plastic retail bag.

This post is a guest post provided by Kelly Muir.