Diorama and costume designs

May 5, 2011 - 1 minute read


Arachne is a talented weaver from greek myth. After won the weaving competition from goddess Athena.  Athena  envy at such human competition drove her into uncontrolled fury and violence towards Arachne. She was as well outraged at Arachne’s disrespectful choice of subjects that displayed the failings of gods.  Losing her temper, she destroyed Arachne’s tapestry and loom, striking it with her shuttle, and struck Arachne on the head as well, slashing her face.

Nor could Arachne take such punishment” Arachne would rather hang herself than bow her head.    Athena took a pity on Arachne and turned her into a spider “So you shall live to swing, to live now and forever, Even to the last hanging creature of your kind.


My spider costume